Divider, 2023
acrylic polymer, watercolour, wax on wood
58 x 187 x 8 cm
$ 4,900

Additional Info
Divider (2024) considers my Anglo-Indian ethnicity, and what it means to be a migrant. It draws on memories of India and living on Dja Dja Wurrung country, specifically forms and colour from my home and garden.
The geographic imagining of ‘home’ is crucial to Anglo-Indians and seeking this idea of home remains a hallmark of Anglo-Indian identity. ‘Home’ for us remains a contested site shaped by different influences of culture and power. It is an elusive and poetic proposition that unfixes location and advocates the temporal. It proposes a lingering of sorts—a form of deferment under constant construction. Thus, the meaning of ‘belonging’ becomes entwinned and divided in complex equations of space and time. Belonging becomes more accurately an ‘unbelonging’ of sorts. Across its multiple angled panels, the painting creates a state of possibility to dream and imagine by looking bifurcately backward and forward, upward, downward, and sideward simultaneously.