Nebula, 2023
stoneware, slip, oxides, glaze, trachyte, seed, sea glass
27.5 x 28.5 x 8 cm

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Stockroom Kyneton, ceramic space
22 July / 27 August 2023
Flux is an exploration of materiality that investigates the chemical reactions and transformation of materials that occur during the ceramic-making and firing process. These works combine a range of materials and techniques that I have been experimenting with over the past four years including the incorporation of novel materials, such as sea glass, seeds, and perlite, into different clay bodies. The interplay of the introduced materials and the clay creates a unique process of development.
The reaction of the foreign materials within the relatively stable properties of the original clay structure creates points of volatility and fragility, texture, and imperfection. These surfaces bear the imprint of the elemental reactions that occur during the firing process, giving them a rich depth and unique character. This exploration of the material nature of ceramics constantly challenges traditional notions of form and function, opening doors to new artistic possibilities. This interaction becomes the driving force behind the unique developmental process of each artwork. As the clay harmonizes with the embedded elements, a metamorphosis occurs—an alchemical fusion that creates a visual language that speaks to the infinite possibilities of material manipulation. It is an exploration of the dynamic relationship between materials, craftsmanship, and the fiery alchemy of the kiln.