Amber Cronin, Artworks

Luis (diptych)


Luis (diptych), 2022

pewter, cotton, steel
10 x 18 x 4cm
$ 750 or $75 over 10 months with Art Money


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Dictionary of Animism is a vocabulary of text-based sculptural objects that investigate the way that meaning extends beyond the rational and formal limits of language.

Grounded in an ongoing examination of hierarchies of knowledge that position language as foundational to meaning-making, Amber Cronin’s body of work looks to extend modes of representation as more widely distributed semiotic ecologies. Alluding to memories and experiences of more-than-human relationships, Dictionary of Animism is an anthology of contemplatively playful works that emerge out of lost purpose and lost meanings; a call to reflect on our relationship with the living world and the dormant lines of meaning that flow around us.

Amber Cronin is an emerging South Australian cross-disciplinary artist whose work considers a sculptural art practice as deep, ecological listening and a basis for better understanding our place in the world. Developed through a vocabulary of processes, forms emerge that reframe everyday actions as sites of ritual activity. Utilising elements of ceramics, textiles, performance, moulding and casting, Amber’s studio experiments are gathered and displayed in combinations that facilitate meditations on connection and discovery. Amber’s practice operates as an ecology between studio work, gallery presentation opportunities, research, facilitation and community engagement.